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and life along the winding road

Friday, August 4, 2023

The War on the West by Douglas Murray

 The War on the West by Douglas Murray is a summary of the craziness that has descended  on Western culture.

"If the West is to survive, it must be defended. The War on the West is described as an incisive takedown of foolish anti-Western arguments."

Here is Douglas Murray's insight of what has been happening:
People began to talk of "equality" but they did not seem to care about equal  rights. They talked of "anti-racism" but they sounded deeply racist. They spoke of "justice" but they seemed to mean "revenge."

Only the Western countries, spread across three continents, were told constantly that in order to have any legitimacy at all - to be even considered decent - they should swiftly and fundamentally alter their demographic makeup. The vision of the twenty-first century appeared to be that China would be allowed to remain China, the various countries in the Far and Middle East and Africa should be allowed - indeed expected - to remain as they were. But the countries of the West were expected to become something else.

Unfortunately, many of the distortions are coming from academia where there seems to be a push to force radical and activist views on students with debate being quashed. Sadly the students themselves seem to be reluctant to research anything themselves. A South African student who, ironically, was the recipient of a Cecil Rhodes scholarship (from a vast endowment) started a "Rhodes must Fall" campaign which moved on to an Oxford University campus. Petitions for removing the Rhodes statue (on a building he paid for) and quoting racist remarks provided by another Rhodes scholar who was actually quoting from a book by Paul Maylam. Maylam was unable to provide any sources or references backing up his Rhodes "quotes."

One of the main take-aways I got from Douglas Murray's book is to stop believing what we hear on the news, what is taught in schools and colleges, what those in government tell us and stop falling into the trap that they are promoting of hating each other.  Do your own research, often clips shown are distorted or manipulated for a specific agenda. Thomas Sowell has stated he will not longer participate in interviews because this has happened to him too many times. 

“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today.”
― Thomas Sowell