Welcome to my blog where I share my book reviews
and life along the winding road

Friday, April 23, 2021

To Kill a Queen by Valerie Wilding

 Sometime ago I purchased a set of My Story books by Scholastic for the grandkids. The set is the U.K. series. To Kill a Queen by Valerie Wilding is An Elizabethan Girl's Diary and covers the conflict between Queen Elizabeth I and her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots - 1583-1586. The book is written from a young girl's  point of view who learns much of what is happening at the English court through her father and other relatives who work in the Tower of London. One thing I learned about Elizabethan life is that girls wore pattens - a wooden sole that was tied to their more delicate shoes and worn outside to avoid mud and other foul things thrown onto the streets. Unfortunately, this was a barbaric time and hangings and torture were often a public event - it's  always a good idea to read a book for content before passing on to children.