Welcome to my blog where I share my book reviews
and life along the winding road

Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year Resolutions

 I don't take New Year Resolutions too seriously, but do have some goals this year.

Continue learning Spanish - DuoLingo

Make healthy food choices.

Use MyFitnessPal to keep track of calories and nutrition.

Exercise daily - Fabulous 50s  videos is a great place to start and also walking in the neighborhood.

Plan monthly family dinners with children and grandchildren (these may have to be outside until Covid-19 is under control).

Make 1,000 newborn hats for local hospitals (I made 880 in 2020)

Finish reading through the bible - The Bible Recap

Continue handing out Random of Acts of Kindness items - I gave out hundreds of crochet angels last year and small crochet mice to children (I always give these to the parent so they can decide if they want to give them to their children).

Learn to sing The Prayer in Italian