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and life along the winding road

Friday, February 7, 2020

East of the Sun by Julia Gregson

Julia Gregson, in East of the Sun, paints a vivid picture of India in the late 1920s.  Julia Gregson's biography reads like a novel in itself and her vast experience adds to the background of her book.

Viva Holloway, a woman in her late 20s, had lived in India as a child and was therefore considered the most practical choice as a chaperone for two young ladies and a school boy, to set sail from England. One lady, Rose, is to marry a military man. Her friend, Tor, accompanies her. The young boy, having spent his school years in England, is to be reunited with his parents. But in India their paths keep crossing along with those of Frank, the ship's doctor. And to add to their problems of trying to fit into a world  and climate that they are all ill equipped for, turmoil is brewing in the country with religious conflicts among the Indians and their dislike for British rule.

If you like historical stories set in India, watch The Viceroy's House - it's on Netflix.