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and life along the winding road

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Airedale's Tales by Nancy Lynn

Airedale's Tales
In All Creatures Great and Small James Herriot visits a sick lady who worries that her animals will not be with her when she's in heaven because she was told animals have no souls.
"I don't believe it," says James Herriot. "If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. You've nothing to worry about there."
Nancy Lynn feels the same way and in her book Airedale's Tales she writes about Bentley's adventures on earth and a little of his spot in heaven, romping with friends.
Bentley refers to her as "Mama" and shares his views of their exploits together. These exploits didn't always turn out well, especially the time when Bentley chose to chase a dog. Unfortunately he was in a car at the time and jumped from the open window forgetting that he was attached to a leash!
These little tidbits into Bentley's life are hilarious and if you've ever owned a dog, you know how much these four legged friends can touch your heart and take a little of you with them when they pass on to another life. This is the first of Nancy Lynn's memoirs and I can't wait for her next one - Mama's Gone Fishing - to come out.

Nancy Lynn and Bentley