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and life along the winding road

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Haiti 2010

I wasn’t the only member of our family in the Caribbean last February. My son, Nathan, was scheduled to go on a mission trip to a Haitian orphanage associated with Trinity Bible Church and after the earthquake hit, they decided to continue with their plans. They took supplies, medications, and helped out wherever they could around Port au Prince. The orphanages in Haiti are not supported by the government and it is left to the churches to provide for these children. Trinity Bible Church sends missionaries regularly to the children’s home approximately forty miles from Port au Prince. Fortunately, the children had been moved into a new building a week before the earthquake struck, destroying the older facility. The new building withstood the quake and none of the children were injured. Nathan came back with tales of dusty roads, streets filled with garbage and houses turned into rubble but one thing he did notice is that Haitians are joyful and kind people. They don’t worry about tomorrow, don’t store up material possessions, and live by their motto Whatever happens, happens.