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and life along the winding road

Friday, March 7, 2025

If I Were You by Lynn Austin

 If I Were You is set in London during the WWII blitz. Eve and Audrey had two very different backgrounds. While Eve and her family had worked at the nearby manor house, Audrey was the privileged daughter. They had become friends but it was during the war years that they really began to rely on each other. When they meet two American GI soldiers in London it opens up new avenues for both of them.

Although well researched, it was obvious that the novel was not written by an English author. For me, the war years stories brought back many memories my family had shared of living in London during the terrible constant bombing of The Blitz. 

I thought the descriptions of WWII London were well written, but I can't say I particularly liked any of the characters. Eve seemed to be an opportunist. Audrey, rather than taking advantage of her upper class status to help others, whined about it constantly. The ending, although nice, was a bit far fetched. Rather than being a Christian novel, that some have complained about, I found that God was thrown in every so often without any substance or reason. 

And, my pet peeve when reading novels about England written by an American author, (please have someone from England edit it) Americanisms scattered throughout were annoying and much of the dialog would not have been said by an English person during that time.