A friend gave me Imagine Heaven by John Burke. We've lost many friends and neighbors the past two years (due to illnesses - not Covid).
It's a very encouraging book with many accounts of Near Death Experiences (NDEs). The common theme, through the accounts, is a bright light, surrounded by loving angels with friends and family who have died and Jesus in white and surrounded by light. Most said they experienced a "movie of myself and entire life," but without condemnation. They also experienced how their actions had a Butterfly Effect on others.
Most experiences resulted in the person who returned to realize that it was love and kindness and not possessions or monetary achievements that were important. Some noted that they found out even a small kindness by them had affected another in a meaningful way.
All God needs us to do to change the world is to love God so we can love our neighbor as much as ourselves.
Random Acts of Kindness is a great way to show appreciation to others. Facebook has a Random Acts of Crochet Kindness page and Random Acts of Crochet Kindness USA page.