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and life along the winding road

Friday, March 19, 2021

Wealth, Poverty and Politics by Thomas Sowell


Instead of watching far too much depressing news, I've been looking at interesting videos and non-fiction books. While I'm not overly keen on fiction audio books which can spoil the story depending on the reader's voice, I've found audio non-fiction books are great and by uploading them to my Kindle Fire, I can carry it around with me as I work on various projects.

Thomas Sowell, who has many Hoover Institute interviews on You Tube, is an economist and in Wealth, Poverty and Politics explains how culture, land and opportunity make a difference in how people live, their wealth and education. For instance, countries with deeper rivers and fewer obstructions such as waterfalls and rapids have had more chance in importing and exporting trade. He has been criticized for being against affirmative action, but he feels that the better approach is to give everyone the same equal opportunity.

Many libraries offer access to audio books on Hoopla.