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and life along the winding road

Friday, March 29, 2019

Red Herring Without Mustard by Alan Bradley

Alan Bradley is adept at getting into the mind of an eleven year old English girl traversing the 1950s countryside around her family's aristocratic stately home. As an amateur sleuth Flavia de Luce uses her Uncle Tar's laboratory to concoct chemical recipes to solve crimes around Bishop Lacey. In Red Herring Without Mustard, she encounters a gypsy and, after accidentally burning down the gypsy's fortune teller tent, offers the gypsy a retreat on the Buckshaw grounds. Without adult supervision, Flavia comes and goes as she pleases, finding a ring of antique thieves and questions villagers about the disappearance of a baby and the murder of a poacher - and that's just scratching the surface of this intriguing story . . .