The real story of the Von Trapp family is very different from the fictionalized Sound of Music. You can read more here
Welcome to my blog where I share my book reviews
and life along the winding road
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Sound of Music
Last week a friend treated me to a visit to the Bass Hall to see the Sound of Music. I don't think I could ever tire of the Von Trapp family story or a visit to the beautiful Bass Hall, but this musical was one of the best I've seen. The scenery was amazing and Melody Betts belted out Climb Every Mountain with so much force, it gave us goosebumps! The play showed a little more of what was going on in Austria leading up to WWII (the Nazi annexation of Austria) and wasn't quite as flowery as the beloved screen version. Instead, it delved deeper into the struggles each of the cast is going through.

The real story of the Von Trapp family is very different from the fictionalized Sound of Music. You can read more here
The real story of the Von Trapp family is very different from the fictionalized Sound of Music. You can read more here