The Rosie Project is the story of two incompatible people: Don who is a socially challenged professor of genetics and Rosie, a barmaid.
They meet through The Wife Project in which Don has designed a questionnaire to find himself a partner. Although Don sees from the outset that Rosie is unsuitable, nevertheless he helps her in a quest and they become friends (that's oversimplifying the story, but I don't want to give anything away).
Don has Aspbergers tendancies and Rosie also has "rules" that she adheres to. Don prefers the standardized meal system and has a 7 day plan for meals (his pantry is organized by days of the week) and Rosie only eats sustainable food, making meal time complicated.
While reading the novel, I could almost hear Sheldon Cooper/Jim Parsons (Big Bang Theory) narrating it!
This is one of my favorites reads this year.
Note: The Rosie Project movie is currently in development.