Yarn to Go was a recommendation on a book review blog and it didn't disappoint. As an avid knitter myself, I enjoyed reading about how the ladies (and one man) tackled knitting projects at the retreat. There was some knitting jargon that puzzled me. One comment by the author was that all yarn is called a skein. I thought the unwound yarn/wool was called a skein, and a ball of yarn is simply a ball of yarn. So I did a little research. Apparently what I thought was a skein is actually called a hank.
The differences: A skein is oblong in shape and wound differently (the ones that you can pull the thread from the inside). However a ball (wound to resemble a ball) is called a ball of yarn. A
hank is the yarn before it is wound into a ball or skein. Sorry to confuse those who are non-knitters.
Anyway, enough about knitting. I love the
Monterey Peninsula and enjoyed the setting. The storyline was good and the mystery kept me intrigued.
Dessert chef Casey Feldstein doesn't know a knitting needle from a crochet hook. But after her aunt dies unexpectedly leaving Casey to run her yarn retreat business, the sweets baker finds herself rising to the occasion and hosts a scheduled event. What she hadn't planned was trying to unravel a murder mystery.