If you've been following my blog, you know how unhappy I have been with Dog Ear Publishing. The main problem I have is that they ignore the author's wishes. Although I had a contract with them to publish a printed book, they also published an e-book (several years later) that I neither had the opportunity to review/proof nor was aware of (apparently, according to a review, there were lots of formatting errors in the e-book). I did receive an e-mail asking for money for them to publish an e-book, which I responded to letting them know I had already published an e-book through
Amazon/Kindle and wasn't interested. I was frustrated that they took it upon themselves to publish another after I expressly asked them not - it conflicted with an agreement I had with Amazon to publish only through them for a period of time. (Amazon contacted me to let me know another e-book was being circulated)
I received the notice below letting me know Dog Ear would be charging annual fees and will send an invoice and/or charge their credit card if one is on file.
The letter is confusing, if they are charging this fee on the anniversary of the press date, but start on March 1, does that mean if your press date is April 1, you will have to pay the fee two months in a row?
If you're looking to self publish go with
Createspace, they won't inundate you with fees, it doesn't cost anything and if you don't want to do the formatting/editing yourself they have a team to help you with that for a nominal fee. For e-books publish through
KDP/Amazon and
Dog Ear Publishing Review
Dog Ear Publishing E-Books Without Author's Permission