Murder Passes the Buck is set in the Upper Michigan Peninsular and Ms. Baker gives us a great glimpse into life on the peninsular jutting into the Great Lakes, adding many laugh out loud moments.
Book Description:
In Book 1, Gertie's Finnish neighbor is shot right between the eyes while holed up in his hunting blind. Everyone in town thinks he was hit with a stray bullet except Gertie. But the local sheriff has ruled it an accident, and the sheriff just happens to be Gertie's son.
Unfortunately, the publishers didn't share my zeal for this series and ceased publishing the books. But like many other authors finding themselves in the same predicament, Deb Baker took advantage of the self publishing avenues and asked for her rights back. Thank goodness these gems weren't discarded because this one is going on my favorite reads list for 2014.
This one was free for Kindle when I read it.
Note: Deb Baker also writes under the name Hannah Reed.