The book wasn't what I expected. Using the story of Prometheus, Mary Shelley sets her character, Victor Frankenstein, up for dire consequences resulting from his seeking power and knowledge. He tells his tale of regret over creating a monster. It is thought that Shelley's inspiration for the Gothic novel may have come from Giovanni Aldini's experiments where he tried to revive the body of a hanged man using electricity. Have you read Frankenstein? What are your thoughts?
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and life along the winding road
Friday, August 22, 2014
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The book wasn't what I expected. Using the story of Prometheus, Mary Shelley sets her character, Victor Frankenstein, up for dire consequences resulting from his seeking power and knowledge. He tells his tale of regret over creating a monster. It is thought that Shelley's inspiration for the Gothic novel may have come from Giovanni Aldini's experiments where he tried to revive the body of a hanged man using electricity. Have you read Frankenstein? What are your thoughts?