Jane Pauley, a well known television anchor and journalist has put together snippets from interviews in her book Your Life Calling Reimagining the Rest of Your Life. As baby boomers hit the retirement age many wonder, what now? As we are healthier and more energetic than previous generations, rather than retirement being the end of a career, many are reinventing themselves and becoming small business owners or working as volunteers. One man went from a partnership in a global accounting firm to becoming a volunteer EMT at the local fire station, another used his woodworking skills to make sculptures with sand. It's not so much about making a living but finding what you love to do. Some have made successful second careers such as the woman who was concerned that older people in the hospital were cold in the ill fitting hospital gowns. Without prior experience she designed wraps and shawls. Her Janska line hit a niche and became a successful business.
Jane Pauley's book will definitely make you think about what path you are on (no matter what your age).