Like most people, at the top of my list of resolutions is to lose weight, eat healthy and exercise more. I don't know why I feel energized to get started today, but not yesterday or the day before that. For some reason the start of the New Year is a good time for new beginnings, like only starting a diet on a Monday and not on Wednesday.

If eating healthy is on your list of goals, hop on over to my
Less of Me Blog. After reading through the posts today, I was surprised at what great advice I have on there. I must have been very enthusiastic when I started the blog nearly three years ago, but you can see from the blog that both the enthusiasm and posts have sadly fizzled out.
I plan to rectify that and post more frequent updates (at least weekly). I've dusted off the elliptical and dragged it out of the garage, found the weights and now the rain has stopped, I'll be lacing up my trainers and clipping on the pedometer.
What goals do you have for 2013 and will you be blogging about it?