I recently finished reading Triangle by Katherine Weber. The novel is based on the New York Triangle Waist Company Fire. In 1911 a fire broke out in the Asch Building where 146 of the 500 workers died - most of them were young girls. These young girls, many of whom were immigrants, were poorly treated, poorly paid and conditions were harsh. Even trying to earn an honest wage was difficult as their sewing was often deemed substandard, resulting in reduced pay. Even more incredulous is the clock which was often stopped, resulting in "free" labor for the owners. The story follows a character who survived the fire and the end has a thought provoking twist.
I'm passing the book on, and if you would like to enter for the giveaway (U.S. postal addresses only), please leave a comment with an e-mail address or blog address where I may contact you. I will use Random to pick the winner. For an added entry, become a follower and note that on the comment. The contest will end July 17.