Jeff Guinn interviewed Clive Cussler at the Bass Hall in Fort Worth this evening. Mr. Cussler is every bit as entertaining as his novels. He began his writing career when his wife worked at the police department in the evenings and after he came home and fed the children and put them to bed he was bored and started writing. He writes to entertain us, the readers. His advice to authors is "To be an author you have to be a loony who won't give up." His overnight success took eleven years. He also suggested studying a best selling author in the genre you are writing to learn plotting and styling. Both Clive Cussler and
his protagonist Dirk Pitt were both 37 when his Dirk Pitt series began and now Clive Cussler is 78 while Dirk Pitt is just 45 - life is unfair he added.