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and life along the winding road

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

The good thing about a book club is that you are given a list of books that you might not otherwise read. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry is one of those books for me. Kirkus Reviews sums it up as "A likable literary love story about selling books and finding love" but I thought it was so much more than that. I'm not quite sure what drives the story, but Gabrielle Zevin has a way of drawing the reader in and I found myself unable to put the book down.
I've always thought it would be a wonderful occupation to own a bookstore, surrounded by novels, history and biographies so maybe that was part of the attraction to the book, along with the mismatched family that is formed around A.J., a widower who had been experiencing the worst sales in the history of the store and losing his prized possession that was supposed to one day be auctioned and allow him to retire. Finding someone to love whether it be a child or an adult is something we all crave. Whatever the reason for the delightful story, this is definitely going on my list of favorites.