Friday, August 16, 2024

America the Beautiful by Ben Carson

 I'm still  going through the stack of books I purchased at the Friends of the Library book sale a few months ago and America the Beautiful is one of them. There is no doubt that Ben Carson is a patriot. He is grateful for the opportunities afforded to him and a path he was able to follow from poverty to being one of the most renowned neurosurgeons. The book was written at the end of the first Obama term and tackles many subjects such as the pros and cons of capitalism, morality, and health care to name a few. He also talks about how the country is divided which is sadly more so twelve years after the publication of the book. With an election coming up, it is a great book to read and to remind us that voting for or against personalities rather than policies and what the candidate stands for has had grave consequences in the past.


Many recent polls have shown that most Americans believe that we are on the wrong path as a nation. They are discouraged about our future and the future of our children. I say, be  not discouraged, for God is on our side if we really trust him, as is indicated on every coin in your pocket and every bill in your wallet. We must stop being political and start being logical. . .

It is time to set aside political correctness and replace it with the bold values and principles that founded our nation in history. It is time to stop apologizing and to start leading, because the world is desperately in need of fair and ethical leadership.