Sunday, August 5, 2012

Angel Sometimes by Helen Ginger

I've known Helen Ginger for many years and been an avid follower of her blog Straight from Hel. She's an editor, writer of non-fiction books and if you've ever been to one of her workshops you know she has a great sense of humor. As if all this is not enough to put on her resume, she's also been a mermaid. So, like many of Helen's fans, I was excited to hear that she's written Angel Sometimes, a coming of age book peppered with mermaid experiences.

With a Texas backdrop, Helen takes us on a journey of discovery and renewal for a child who left home at the age of twelve and followed her dreams.

True crime writer, Diane Fanning, wrote a great review which you can read here.
Hop on over to Kindle and download a copy. There are apps available if you don't own a Kindle. I used the PC app to read it.