Saturday, July 28, 2012

White Settlement Museum

 At the White Settlement Museum last week-end, there were Civil War Re-enactors from the 15th Texas Cavalry and 2nd MO. U.S. Sometime ago there was a plan to change the name of White Settlement in order to be politically correct, but the name continued and despite controversy, the name clearly depicts its history as the first non-Indian settlement in this area. White Settlement was settled before Fort Worth and has a rich history as shown in the small museum, that is full of artifacts, some log cabins and books filled with quilt patches and of historical significance. I talked briefly with a Confederate soldier and we both came to the conclusion that as the Union soldiers had guns and he had a small knife, his chances of survival was pretty slim. With the temperature rising rapidly, I didn't stay for the re-enactment and wondered how the soldiers of the Civil War managed in the hot summers with such thick uniforms.