Friday, July 6, 2012

Fox's Earth - Anne Rivers Siddons

Fox's Earth is a Southern House that Ruth Yancey, the daughter of a mill worker, has set her sights on. Throughout the book Ms. Siddons gives us a glimpse into the life of a wealthy family in Georgia and develops a story around Ruth Yancey; her rise from poverty to wealth and her goal of always keeping a female descendant at Fox's Earth.

From the cover:
The first time Ruth Yancey saw Fox's Earth - the magnificent Georgia estate - she knew in her heart it would someday be hers. Vowing not to just live there, but to rule, she pursues her dream with vengeance - dominating everyone and everything under her roof no matter how many lives she had to cruelly destroy.

My thoughts:
The characters were well developed in this book, but at 464 pages, I thought it was far too long and definitely not a quick summer read. It could have been condensed considerably. I enjoyed reading about life in the south spread over several decades and the characters -both the Fox family and the servants who played a pivotal part to the story.