Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Guest Post - It's All About Books

 Suey from It's All About Books has stopped by today to tell us about her blog. Welcome Suey.

How did you decide to start a blog?
The book blog got started when I saw so many online book club buddies talking about their blogs and joining challenges and posting about them. I figured I better join in quick!

Tell us a little about you
I'm a mom of four kids, ages 22 to 13, two boys and two girls. I work at the library in the administration office three mornings a week and love it. Other things I love besides books, reading and blogging are music, Broadway shows, editing movies, and traveling to see new places.

You get through an enormous number of books a year, how many pages do you think you average in an hour?
Oh wow, I have no idea. I would try to guess, but I can't even do that! I guess it depends on the book though, big print, small print and all that!

Which authors inspire you?
Markus Zusak
Anyone who reads my blog knows that I'm head over heels about Markus Zusak. He is awesome on all levels! 

So many genres have such fuzzy lines these days and blend into each other. What are your favorite genres?
I love YA books, and classics (though I don't seem to read them much anymore) and literary fiction, historical fiction, and lots and lots of fantasy!

Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books? What are your thoughts on e-books?
Since at this point I have yet to get an e-reader, I prefer print! An e-reader is something I don't really like, but can see that I'll probably get one someday soon anyway. 

You post many author interviews on your blog. Does one in particular stand out?
I love to ask authors what five books have been important to them. They all interpret this differently, some list ones that inspire them, that have turned them into writers, or that have shaped them in some way or another. I think Michael Perry's stands out because he is a pretty well known national author and he linked to my post and I got tons of hits that blew me away! His post was also very well written and funny, just like his books.

What can we expect for 2012? Anything new coming up on your blog?
There'll probably be nothing much new on the blog itself, but so far this year I've been getting more and more involved in the book blogging community as a whole, and continue to be very involved in our local Utah book blogging circle. I love it. 

Hop on over to It's All About Books and say "hello." Suey has some great reviews that will entice you to read.
Thanks for sharing your love of books with us Suey.