Monday, April 30, 2012

Books 'N Authors 'N All That Jazz- Weatherford College

Each year Weatherford College hosts a writing workshop called Books 'N Authors 'N All That Jazz. Sadly, after ten years, Saturday was the final event. Authors from Trinity Writers' Workshop sold their books and many people attended the numerous workshops presented by Dave Lieber, Laurie Moore and Rickey Pittman to name a few.  
Before prizes for the short story and poetry contests were presented, we were treated to a mini-jazz concert featuring musicians who attend the college.
During the presentations Lori Wilde spoke of her journey as a writer, which was not without speed bumps, (she has now published 69 novels).

 We met several interesting authors and I had a fun day sharing a table with my fellow writers: Sharon K. OwenArly Pineo and Joanne Faries