Friday, March 23, 2012

The Master Quilter by Jennifer Chiaverini

From the Cover:
The Master Quilter opens with the sound of wedding bells ringing in the ears of the Elm Creek Quilters. The close-knit group can hardly believe that their own Sylvia Compson planned her holiday wedding to sweetheart Andrew in complete secrecy without the help of even one of her friends. Eager to honor the newlyweds, the Elm Creek Quilters hasten to stitch a bridal quilt for their favorite Master Quilter. Until the time comes to unveil the surprise gift, they reason, Sylvia will be the one in the dark.

I love cozy mysteries, but I just couldn't "get into" this one. I did like all the references to quilting though and especially liked all the patterns on the cover. I know Jennifer Chiaverini is very popular so it may have just been timing with me.