Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Guest Post - Kristin from Kritter's Ramblings

 Kristin from Kritter's Ramblings is a guest here today. Kristin has a book review blog.


 How did you decide to start a blog?
Kristin's grandmother who inspired her to read
The blog began when I went looking for a review of a book online and stumbled upon some blogs that were reviewing books.  I kept digging and digging and there were more blogs and more blogs.  I had a conversation with my mom about how it would be nice to do this “online journaling” so I could remember what books I have read and what I loved about them.  From there, I came up with Kritters Ramblings.

Tell us a little about you
I am an avid reader. I have a long term boyfriend, a sweet pup, great parents, a creative sister and a loads of fun friends.  Trying to juggle all of those relationships, with my love of books and a full time job is a lot but I love it.  I have always wanted to have a full time job, never had the mommy dream, so I love the craziness of balancing my full time job with my blog.

You show on your blog that you live in Alexandria, Virginia. What do you like most about living there?
Yes, I live in Alexandria, VA which is just a few steps away from DC.  I have been up here for almost 4 years.  It took me a year to really start loving it, being a girl from the South - lived in Charlotte, NC for 4 years, it was an adjustment.  I love the eclectic food and always being able to find everything - there aren’t many restaurants or stores that haven’t made their way up/over here.  We make an effort to try to do something DCish once a month, it is right there and loads of free things, so must take advantage.  

You get through a large number of books a year, how many pages do you think you average in an hour?
I was completely surprised at how many books I read last year.  I probably read slow for most bloggers standards - I read maybe 40-50 pages in an hour.  The trick is that I read at the gym and while walking the dog.  But the key to my reading is that I have a few nights a week that I am home alone because the boy is on duty, so the tv is turned off and I just sit and read for hours.

 So many genres have such fuzzy lines these days and blend into each other. What are your favorite genres?
My two favorite genres definitely carry that fuzzy line - women’s fiction and chick lit.  I know there is a debate about the definition of both, a debate for later, but I think they are distinct genres and there is readership for both.  I tend to read the women’s fiction when I want something deep and full of heart and soul.  I keep the chick lit reads around for the days where my personal life is deep enough and I just want some fluffy entertainment - both are good in their special way.  I also read suspense, memoirs and my new favorite reads are dystopians.

Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books? What are your thoughts on e-books?
I have a Nookster and love it.  I read ebooks at the gym which was the sole reason I got the Nook.  With the Nook, I can carry loads of books with me in a small case!  I think ebooks are fine, but I still read the traditional hardback or paperback and I have the shelves to prove it!  I read my book books at home and travel with the Nook.  I usually am reading an ebook and a book book simultaneously.  

What can we expect for 2012?  Anything new coming up on your blog?
Kristin and her mom with author Sarah Pekkanen
In 2012, I will finish my second year of blogging which is still crazy to think about.  I will definitely be attending some bookish events and sharing about those.  There are some great tour companies that I am hoping to review for this year.  There may be a switch to Wordpress later this year - still debating this one.  And I am so excited that my mom and I have just registered for BEA, so we will be heading to NYC to the mecca of bookaholics!

Thanks for stopping by Kristin, we look forward to many more great reviews on Kritter's Ramblings
Stop by and say hello and see what she's reading this week.