Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Guest Post - Carol from Dizzy C's Little Book Blog

 Carol from Dizzy C's Little Book Blog has joined us today to tell us a little about her blog and how she started blogging.

Welcome Carol.

How did you decide to start a blog? 
I was searching the internet for inspiration for new books to read.  I stumbled on a book blog.  I had no idea what a blog was and began following.  One thing led to another and I thought I would join in and share my books with readers.  At the time I expected it to be a very small affair, hence the Little Book Blog title.  I never dreamed I would be interviewing authors, taking part in challenges, hosting giveaways.  I didn’t realize my blog building skills were there!

Tell us a little about you.
I am a stay at home mum of 3, living in East Anglia, England with my Partner and my daughter, 17, son, 14 and youngest son, 4.  I intend to join the working world again when my youngest starts school next year.  This is my 2nd work break to stay at home and give my little ones the best start in life (in my opinion, and not everyone has the finances to stay at home) .  I have had many hobbies over the years including, knitting, cross-stitching, glass painting , genealogy and reading.  I only have time for reading these days.

Which authors inspire you? 
I admire historical fiction writers.  I know all authors research for their novels, but with historical fiction, the author has to collect all the evidence and facts before they can weave their story into those facts.   They do not have quite so much free reign with their writing.  I love how they bring history to life for me.

I am also enjoying a newish band of authors who write Post Chick-lit, hen-lit, whatever you want to name it.  Chick lit for the over 40’s (folks like me J  )

So many genres have such fuzzy lines these days and blend into each other. What are your favorite genres?
I find these fuzzy lines in genres so difficult when it comes to reviewing and labeling on the blog.  I fear I may upset an author by labeling their work in the wrong sub-genre. 
My favourite genres are Historical Fiction, Chick-lit, Romantic Fiction and Women’s Fiction.

Do you prefer to read books in print or e-books? What are your thoughts on e-books?
As the proud owner of a new Kindle, I am really seeing the benefits of having one and can honestly say I have no preference, at the moment.  I love to see books on my shelf, hold them in my hands, and search the book at will.  I also love the fact that I can get my Kindle in my handbag, read faster (no time lost turning pages and rearranging my reading position), hands free reading (I can eat choc whilst reading) and having all my e-books in one place.

You post many author interviews on your blog. Does on in particular stand out?
Two stand out for me.

Ali McNamara was my first guest author featuring her novel From Notting Hill, With Love…..Actually.

Most recently, I featured Beth Hoffman as she finally launched Saving CeeCee Honeycutt to the UK audience. 

What can we expect for 2012? Anything new coming up on your blog?
Funny you should ask that!  Last week was the first in a brand new series, W.I.P. Wednesday where authors share their Work In Progress.  A way for authors to touch base with readers in between novels.
I am amazed at the interest it has stirred up with authors and readers alike.

I would like to thank Ann very much for having me today.

Pop over and say hi, I try to reply to as many comments as I can and visit back.

Thanks for visiting, Carol.
You can find Carol at Dizzy C's Little Book Blog